Our Mission
Our mission is to find the best outcomes available, research how to create them, and share our results with those interested in creating similar outcomes in their own lives. All aspects of the studies are directed by those of us who have direct experience and those who love and support us. We start out each study design by asking people what their issues are, what tools they use, what they want to accomplish, and how to measure their results. We feel strongly that the outcomes we study can be most relevant only by having those who face the issues direct all aspects of the study.
Find The Best Outcomes
We scour the world for any outcomes people mention and compare them with everything we have found. A major component of our research is always asking what people are wanting and what they are actually accomplishing.
Learn How To Create Them
People say they "tried everything," but we are open to anything someone wants to use. We also look at what the tools are being used for. A hammer is great for pounding a nail, but it sucks as an oar to row your boat. You would be surprised at how many great tools continue to be used for the wrong outcomes.
Share With Everyone
Refining the most efficient methods and sharing them with everyone is the whole point. We don't just want to study tools and outcomes, we want to find "best practices" and make them available to all.
BDORI is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a focus on mental health outcomes research. Our focus is on developing research studies that shine light on treatment outcomes for Bipolar and Depression. All members of our staff either live with a mental condition or are direct family members of someone who lives with Bipolar or Depression.
What You Can Do
First of all, Take Our Courses. We need your help to accomplish our goals and encourage you to participate as much as you can. You can easily participate in our existing studies, help us make decisions about what to study next, join our volunteer team, or help us study more people by donating to the cause or getting the word out about our studies.

The Worst Myth Of Mental Illness
The myth that we can’t is the worst of all. The diagnosis of mental illness is the most dangerous time for many of us. Overwhelmed by fear, confusion and the numbing effect of over-medication, we are vulnerable to messages that can have long-term negative consequences. It was during my first months after diagnosis that I fell

Taking Measurement of Bipolar Comfort
Expanding the depression and bipolar comfort zone. Understanding the role of comfort is critical for getting Bipolar IN Order. To do so, we must measure comfort at each level of intensity for both mania and depression. When we compare comfort levels to awareness, understanding, functionality, value, and the time before escalation, we find the optimal intensities where bipolar is an advantage

Measuring Functionality In Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Many bipolar people say they are “high-functioning,” but most of them mean they function OK when in remission and cannot function when things get too intense. How well one functions during depression or mania defines the difference between Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar IN Order. At every intensity, functionality influences the comfort of everyone involved and whether they see value in the experience. Functionality

Understanding Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Understanding Depression and Bipolar Disorder can take many forms. Functionality-based understanding is central to getting Bipolar IN Order. When I first started putting together the protocol for assessing depression and bipolar disorder, I was working with a professor of Psychiatry to make sure the ideas were sound. His advice was to combine both awareness and understanding in the graph to keep it simpler.